Monday, 27 November 2017

Weekly Update

Story almost done, gott'a finish off the final touches and we're golden.


Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Weekly Update

Hi all,

Pretty familiar update this time, nothing hugely exciting. I'm on track and aiming to get everything either wrapped up, or as close to as possible by this weekend. Let's hope for the best.

Kind'a scary thinking the Holidays are just around the corner, it's been a short year huh?


Monday, 6 November 2017

Weekly Update

Fairly minimal progress this week unfortunately, I was tied up with work for most of the week and then away on a work event for the entire weekend, so I barely had any time to write at all.

Even today, where I was planning on at least getting something done, instead several hours were spent trying to solve why my computer display broke with the latest Windows update (thanks Microsoft!).

It's all fixed now, but it's late, I'm cranky, and I'm gonna head to bed. Pretty much green fields this coming week though, so I'm hopeful I can get a lot knocked away.