Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Weekly Update

Similar (but better) story this week. Work's gone really well on the chapter, but it's not yet complete. It's sitting at a little over 16k words, and for anyone who's followed the outline, I'm through to just before they leave from Ylisstol.
I've added a small sex scene between Robin and Lucina before the meeting.
And as a response to the poll I put out, I'll see about adding a sexual scene between Robin and Cordelia before he leaves. Although, that'll depend on what I can get added and whether or not the scene will work... It's a scene idea I like a lot, but it's definitely amusingly controversial in the comments!
Anyhow, look forward to a more exciting update next time!

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Weekly Update

Still chipping away on Ch18. Not done yet, but I'm fairly happy with the progress I've made, especially today, since I managed to pretty much dedicate the whole day to just finding a quiet place and writing, which was nice.
A little worried it's gonna end up being a ridiculously long "Why didn't you split this into two?" chapter, but I think people are at least somewhat used to those kind'a chapters from me by now, hopefully it's not a turn off.
Heading back to work this week though, which is a headspin. Holidays are a fast and fleeting joy, c'est la vie.