Tuesday 25 August 2020

Weekly Update


Got a good amount of writing done, just need to finish off and I should have something uploaded later today after work.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

More Covid Craziness


So just a little earlier this week I got the news that my region has had another flare up of Covid cases and we're going back into lockdown/quarantine to try weather the storm once again. 
This time I'll be staying in my usual city, the hope being that we're only like this for a few weeks, but we'll see, everyone's just hoping for the best. I'm fine and all my friends and family are fine, and hopefully this will just be sorted out soon, but it's flipped my life upside down a little once again, so that's about the only thing I've got that's of any value as an update.
At least being inside all day should give me some more time to write, hopefully. We'll see.