Tuesday, 31 December 2024

[XIV] Kan-E And Raya-O – Taking The White - Public Release


And here we are, from right before Christmas to right before New Years! That's not too bad, is it? What better time to be enjoying a nice, wholesome sister-sandwich?

Before anything else, I want to say a thank you for all the people who pointed out the little spelling/grammar mistakes in the early access version. I posted it literally a few hours before heading off to Christmas, so I really didn't have time to edit it as much as I normally would. I've gone through it now and I think it's a lot tidier.

Other than that, this chapter is ridiculously, shamelessly self indulgent in all my tastes and all the things I like (save for massive breasts, but there'll be plenty of that, and some naizuri makes for a delicious contrast every now and then too). It's one of those things where I intended it to be a lot smaller, but after seeing how much I'd put into the scenes and the setup, skimping on the raunch and sex seemed insane, so that's how it is.

I hope you like this kind'a thing too.

Otherwise, as mentioned, due to a shift in my work schedule, I'm going to try dedicate a lot more of my time to writing from now and into the New Year. I really want to challenge myself and see if I can get chapters out far more frequently and far more regularly, and hopefully that I can turn this into a part time job, if not a full time one.

That's my New Years resolution at least!

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52422145/chapters/158092621

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Tuesday, 24 December 2024

[XIV] Kan-E and Raya-O – Taking The White

Ahhhhh, finally, finally, finally done! And just in time for Christmas! 30k words worth of Double Padjal, Double Seedseer smut! 

This one got completely out of control, I meant to have it done in October but through a combination of it getting a lot larger than it should have, and being slow to get through some segments it's dragged on and on.

I said for sure I'd have it done before Christmas, I even posted on Twitter about exactly that... and after staying up for about going on 3 days now with only a few hours sleep and way too much coffee to be healthy, I've finally done it. Will I be able to stay awake through Christmas? Who knows? Who cares.

I haven't had time to do a full edit of this, so there's almost certainly some mistakes and a few clunky lines, I'll fix that up when I get back home. Sorry in advance.

For now though: Here, I worked hard on this and I really hope you enjoy it.

And more importantly, please find the Early Access link here.

Public release will be in a week.

And, sorry again about how long it's taken to get this out. I absolutely don't blame anyone who thought I might have disappeared!

The good news is that after this and going into next year, I'll be trying out a very different working rhythem for my job which should give me a lot more time to write. Hopefully you'll see the results of that very quickly.

But for now, thank you!
