Sunday 23 June 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Scarlett+Melisandre) - Public Release


 And here we are, we week later, the public release for Ch2 starring Scarlett and Melisandre.

Hard copies are being shipped out to bookstores near you, but if you'd prefer digital, you can read it here:

Having already made some headway into the next chapter, I was hoping to have that all done and dusted, or at least very close to, by the time I had this ready for public release. The dream of going directly into another upload was a tantalising thing... But unfortunately, I didn't get enough done for that. 

Shouldn't take too much longer, so hopefully the next Early Access upload is soon, but for now that dream remains a challenge to be met.

Enjoy, and thanks again!

If you like this and want to support me, please check out my SubscribeStar:


Saturday 15 June 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Scarlett + Melisandre) - Early Access


 Phew! This one was a funny one to get out...

I said I wasn't sure I'd continue doing more UO Stuff... Then the reception seemed really positive, especially with the idea of quick and easy fast iterating chapters.

I said if I did, the next chapter would be Virginia... Then I felt like I couldn't jump that far ahead without addressing the ridiculously busty childhood-friend in the room (and the incredibly alluring Swordsmaster too, of course).

I said I would have it out in a week... But then I pivoted away from a Virginia chapter that was about 1/3rds done AND made the Scarlett+Melisandre chapter far more in depth than planned twice as long as Yahna's one.

So, I had the best of intentions, but nothing I said wound up working out, haha. Sorry about that.

I hate when stories take longer than I want to be done, but I do hope you can see the passion and effort that goes into them regardless. My sleep schedule for the last 3 days has been practically nonexistent trying to finish this one off...

Anyway, that's enough from me, please find the Early Access link here.

And, as always, thank you very much for your support. It truly does keep me going with this stuff.


Monday 13 May 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Yahna) - Early Access


And we're back!

I am sorry about the delay in getting this out, and especially about getting something posted, it's just been one thing after another lately. Work hit a point where things were just getting stacked on my desk with reckless abandon, and my whole family has been gearing up for a big wedding and my own part in it, making a speech and all that fun stuff.

It's been a lot.

So I beat (and absolutely loved) Unicorn Overlord a while back and I was really excited to write a short series of vignettes similar to my Persona 4 story highlighting some fun scenes with some very fun women, I even did a poll to see which girls you'd like to see. And then I got hit with all that and so it's been slow to actually get out. Thankfully it's largely behind me now.

I'm not sure if you guys would like to see more of these, short, mostly sexual exhibitions of events with some of the fine gals, or if I should just leave this as a one shot with Yahna. I'll take feedback either way.

I've got some free time this week at least, so I'll try get more done for this or something else either way.

Anyway, enough yapping! I'd love it if you enjoyed it, and you can find the Early Access link here.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Small Unicorn Overlord Story idea

I've finally beaten Unicorn Overlord. Really loved that game- a really fantastic little Vanillaware gem, feels like a successor to Ogre Battle, but with plenty of Fire Emblem influences to love, and a whole massive cast of likable characters.

The cast is way too big to do anything comprehensive, and I don't wanna spend too long on a story that's not one of my main works, but I thought I'd get something small out with some Vignettes from various girls, similar to my Persona 4 story. I've already got a pretty good idea of the girls I wanna use, but I figure I'll take suggestions for anyone else that's got any interest:


Tuesday 2 April 2024

An Addition to A Waning Silence Ch14

 I mentioned before that I was wondering if maybe stopping the previous chapter with Bell's meeting with Cassandra wasn't the best breakpoint- because of what's to come, I thought it might be a little premature.

Well, while I was away with family over Easter, I was weighing it up and after a good deal of deliberation I decided to extent Ch14 a little more. So since coming back, writing that scene up has been pretty much all I've done!

So, I'll add this into Ch14.

I was meant to have the Public Release out by now, but I wanted to give you guys a chance to see it first, so I'll load it here and then put it as the public release a little later on.

I've added it to the previous link:

Or if you just want to read the new excerpt:

Took some doing, and now the chapter is gonna be bigger, but I don't feel like it's *too* unwieldy big, and I think this is a better stopping point. Lemme know what you think!

And more importantly, Happy Easter. Hope you all had a great time and a good break.
