Saturday, 8 March 2025

[Danmachi] A Waning Silence Ch15 - Early Access

 [Danmachi] A Waning Silence Ch15 - Early Access



When I started this around Christmas, I had two big goals, 

1. Don't make it another huge 40k monster chapter.
2. Get it done before the end of Jan

It's just a hair under 30k words, so I at least managed to keep one of those goals! Ha... This seriously took a while, but I'm happy with how it's turned out, I think it's a great chapter.

And, while I'm disapointed that I wasn't able to keep the timeframe I was intending, I'm currently experimenting this year with trying to dedicate far more of my time to writing than I have been before. I've reduced the amount of hours I'm taking at work for the next few months to do my best to try get out a whole lot of chapters and content, I want to see if it's possible to do this SubscribeStar as a main job.

So far, I'm behind schedule. But, I'll keep going and I'll hopefully have something else out very soon, I'm trying to make sure I sit down and write for 5+ hours a day on the days that I can...

Anyway, it's been a while since we've had anything Danmachi related, so I hope you enjoy!

Please find the Early Access link here.

Public release will be in a week.


Tuesday, 31 December 2024

[XIV] Kan-E And Raya-O – Taking The White - Public Release


And here we are, from right before Christmas to right before New Years! That's not too bad, is it? What better time to be enjoying a nice, wholesome sister-sandwich?

Before anything else, I want to say a thank you for all the people who pointed out the little spelling/grammar mistakes in the early access version. I posted it literally a few hours before heading off to Christmas, so I really didn't have time to edit it as much as I normally would. I've gone through it now and I think it's a lot tidier.

Other than that, this chapter is ridiculously, shamelessly self indulgent in all my tastes and all the things I like (save for massive breasts, but there'll be plenty of that, and some naizuri makes for a delicious contrast every now and then too). It's one of those things where I intended it to be a lot smaller, but after seeing how much I'd put into the scenes and the setup, skimping on the raunch and sex seemed insane, so that's how it is.

I hope you like this kind'a thing too.

Otherwise, as mentioned, due to a shift in my work schedule, I'm going to try dedicate a lot more of my time to writing from now and into the New Year. I really want to challenge myself and see if I can get chapters out far more frequently and far more regularly, and hopefully that I can turn this into a part time job, if not a full time one.

That's my New Years resolution at least!


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Tuesday, 24 December 2024

[XIV] Kan-E and Raya-O – Taking The White

Ahhhhh, finally, finally, finally done! And just in time for Christmas! 30k words worth of Double Padjal, Double Seedseer smut! 

This one got completely out of control, I meant to have it done in October but through a combination of it getting a lot larger than it should have, and being slow to get through some segments it's dragged on and on.

I said for sure I'd have it done before Christmas, I even posted on Twitter about exactly that... and after staying up for about going on 3 days now with only a few hours sleep and way too much coffee to be healthy, I've finally done it. Will I be able to stay awake through Christmas? Who knows? Who cares.

I haven't had time to do a full edit of this, so there's almost certainly some mistakes and a few clunky lines, I'll fix that up when I get back home. Sorry in advance.

For now though: Here, I worked hard on this and I really hope you enjoy it.

And more importantly, please find the Early Access link here.

Public release will be in a week.

And, sorry again about how long it's taken to get this out. I absolutely don't blame anyone who thought I might have disappeared!

The good news is that after this and going into next year, I'll be trying out a very different working rhythem for my job which should give me a lot more time to write. Hopefully you'll see the results of that very quickly.

But for now, thank you!


Sunday, 17 November 2024

A Long Overdue Update

 A Long Overdue Update

Hey all, first things first, I want to say sorry for how long it's been without any updates. 

I want to make it clear that I am and have been working, it's taken far longer than intended, but I've got about 20k words written and I'm almost, mostly, kind'a done. There's more to go, but the end's in sight.

I kept talking myself out of making a status update post like this because I keep thinking I can just push through and have it done instead, and there's always more to do. So, I finally just wanted to make it as clear as possible- I am still working, I've written a bunch more this very weekend, I'll keep writing more after this and I'll get a chapter published as soon as possible.

It's a bit of a shock honestly, I was intending to have this chapter and another Danmachi chapter done before the Danmachi S5 began, but it's about halfway through now... At least the season's been great.

Anyway, I'll get back to it. Hopefully you'll hear from me again very soon. Sorry again about how long this has taken, and thanks for your patience.


Tuesday, 27 August 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Virginia) - Public Release


And here we are, the public release for the Virginia chapter of my Unicorn Overlord series.

I've been informed there's going to be a delay in getting physical copies of these out to market, so for now, I suggest anyone interested read the digital version here:

After some consideration, I think I'll do a very short follow up to conclude this, just to tie off a plot point that exists in my headcanon and amuses me greatly. It'll only be a few paragraphs and won't have any sex (since I don't wanna risk making it a full chapter and getting distracted), so I'll probably have that up soon.

Other than that, I'm planning to go for another (hopefully quick) chapter of my XIV story before diving back into Danmachi.

Although, given that I just finished Volume 19, and loved it, that's a hard choice lol.

Anyway, let me thank you once again, take care.
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Monday, 19 August 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Virginia) - Early Access


Done, at long last!

I remember thinking this one would be a lot faster to get out, since I'd already written some of it before pivoting to Scarlett and Melisandre in the previous chapter. But then, I also remember thinking that these chapters were gonna be 5k or so long... So this one being not too far shy of 15k kind'a showcases what happened.

Although, getting sick didn't help.

Anyway, I'm better now and it's finally finished. The last "2-3 paragraphs to go" wound up being more like 2-3 pages, and then more after that, but I think it came out pretty well, and I'd like to think that if you like Virginia you'll enjoy this.

As I mentioned before, this will be my final UO Chapter. There's a lot more I wanted to do, especially for (those unbelievably delicious Elves) Rosalinde and Eltolinde, and I had a lot planned out for them, but it's just taking me too long to get these chapters done and I'd rather have this story complete and behind me. I've enjoyed it, but I'll enjoy having it completed.

And more importantly, please find the Early Access link here.

Public release will be next week.

Thanks again for your support and sorry again for this taking as long as it did. Next up, probably Kan-E-Senna? Then Danmachi! S5 is coming soon and I'm hyped! Finally more people will know who Horn is, lol.


Sunday, 18 August 2024

 A long overdue update

Ahh, sorry, I can't believe how long this has taken, but I'm finally, finally, finally almost done with the UO Story I've been working on.

I'm pretty happy with how it's going, the writing feels good to me, I think it's gonna be a good chapter, but it's also been like pulling teeth getting it done. And between that, the story getting bigger than intended (as expected?) and getting sick which knocked me out for a week or so, it's just dragged on and on.

I was originally intending to do 4-5 chapters for UO and I've got ideas for it I really like, but the motivation is gone and I really wanna get back into doing Danmachi (or XIV), which has only made it harder, so I'm gonna finish this one off and complete the story with this.

I've been working on it almost all of this weekend, and almost all day, was sure I could get it done, but I'm finally gonna have to stop for the night. Hopefully I can finish it off tomorrow before work, otherwise after that. Either way, there's only something like 3-4 paragraphs left, it's within sight.

I've been putting off doing a status update since I've just been telling myself I can (and should) finish it instead, but with how long it's taken and this weekend drawing to a close, I wanted to at least put this out, say sorry for how long it's taken, and say I do hope to have more very soon.

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