Thursday, 21 December 2017

A Completed Chorus Ch2 - A Long Awaited Duet

Feels like it's been a long awaited chapter in this case! But, right before Christmas, I finally get it completed, that's not too bad! And I think it's a pretty fun chapter myself too, got the two best girls involved, so you can't go wrong with that.

I'll see if I can get something else small complete before New Years, but not 100% sure.
Anyhow, as always, it's available at all good booksellers and hat shops near you:

Hope you're all enjoying this ridiculous Summer!


Monday, 27 November 2017

Weekly Update

Story almost done, gott'a finish off the final touches and we're golden.


Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Weekly Update

Hi all,

Pretty familiar update this time, nothing hugely exciting. I'm on track and aiming to get everything either wrapped up, or as close to as possible by this weekend. Let's hope for the best.

Kind'a scary thinking the Holidays are just around the corner, it's been a short year huh?


Monday, 6 November 2017

Weekly Update

Fairly minimal progress this week unfortunately, I was tied up with work for most of the week and then away on a work event for the entire weekend, so I barely had any time to write at all.

Even today, where I was planning on at least getting something done, instead several hours were spent trying to solve why my computer display broke with the latest Windows update (thanks Microsoft!).

It's all fixed now, but it's late, I'm cranky, and I'm gonna head to bed. Pretty much green fields this coming week though, so I'm hopeful I can get a lot knocked away.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Weekly Update

Nothing too crazy this time. As mentioned the focus for this week was getting the outline of the upcoming commissioned chapter out, then starting on the draft, that's where I've ended up, so things are ticking along to plan so far.
It's a chapter with quite a bit of sex but nothing else that should take too long, so I'm confident I should be able to knock it away in a few weeks or so. I'll set this week to try get the majority of it completed, which should get it in good position to be finished on time. Which'd be nice.
In other news, been playing Fire Emblem Warriors during my downtime, has been a lott'a fun actually (although, the post-game is perhaps a little grindy), it's definitely giving me all kinds of funny ideas for cross-game content... Just interesting thoughts really.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Monday, 9 October 2017

Weekly Update

Hi all,

So, after losing most of my Friday evening on a work function, I wound up getting sick and spending most of my weekend (when I do the majority of my writing) sleeping, sneezing, sniffing and more sleeping.

Writing with your head dazed or pounding isn't very useful, so I didn't get a whole lot done.
What makes this even more frustrating is that I'm fairly sure I had a very similar update on the previous chapter too, so maybe I'm getting sick more often recently?
Either way, I'm mostly back on my feet now, I'm well rested, and I should be able to power through what's left ASAP.


Monday, 18 September 2017

Nothing too exciting this time.

Finished another 3 scenes, just need to get through a few big ones that're coming up and the end will be in sight.

It's coming, but there's still work to be done.


Sunday, 10 September 2017

Weekly Update

Steady progress on the coming chapter.

Nothing too exciting to talk about just yet, but it's coming along decently and I'm hoping to pick up the pace a little this week so I can start looking at an ETA. I want to have it released at a good time this time, rather than dragging along, so we'll see.There's gonna be (as an estimate) about 10 scenes total in this coming chapter.

Obviously the length of each one is variable, some longer and some shorter, but I've currently got through 3 of them and am aiming to make that 5 by tonight, with some very large ones following. So progress!


Sunday, 3 September 2017

Weekly Update

Phew! Pretty decent week and fairly busy weekend.

I've now got about 7,000 words written on Chapter 15. Notes, outlines, quick-scene drafts and such. Everything's pretty much in place, just a matter of getting it all written and looking good.
I mostly mention this because I thought that might be something interesting to think about, for a chapter that'll likely end up being about 25-30k words, that's almost a quarter as much just on notes and things I need to keep track of as I go through it.

I wonder if perhaps I could wing more of it if I could write a lot faster?

In any case, it looks like we're gonna see some of Morgan, Lucina and obviously Panne. I've got a great scene with Nowi and Tharja I'd love to put in, but so far, it doesn't look like it's gonna fit. I'll keep you posted about that as I get through and get a better idea of how big each individual scene is gonna be.


Monday, 28 August 2017

Weekly Update

Moving straight into Chapter 15!

Not a whole lot to reveal so far, I've got the basic plot outline worked out, so I'm looking to have that cemented by tomorrow and to start writing following that. Hopefully, obviously, gonna be aiming to have it out a LOT faster than the previous chapter (man that dragged on, didn't it?)
Should be able to work in some favourites from the most recent poll, but so far it's looking like it'll start

Morgan, possibly Lucina, Panne, Tharja and Nowi primarily.

If you've got any other requests or someone you want to see, throw them in, the scene with Tharja is potentially modifiable for another character if people have seen enough of her and would rather more of someone else!


Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Chapter 14 Posted


More details when I'm not literally racing off to work!

Monday, 21 August 2017

Weekly Update

Update pending, story will be updated when I get back from work.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Weekly Update

I've managed to make up most of the ground I lost last week when sick and I think I've got the major scope of this chapter sorted out now. It's taken long enough already (longer than I wanted at least) and (of course), it's bigger than I'd like it to be, but it's mostly coming together well.

I'm aiming to have the full scope finished this week and to finish editing/publish it by early next. So let's follow along with that goal!

Aside from that though, there's only one major plot point I've been going back and forth on for quite some time now.


Sunday, 23 July 2017

Weekly Update

Bit of a useless update this time sorry folks. In what has to have been the most ridiculously unfortunate timing ever, I managed to come down with a pretty nasty illness literally on Friday night. Meaning, pretty much my entire weekend was spent sleeping, wandering around in a headachy-daze, or drugging myself up.

I'm mostly back on my feet now (just in time for work, yay...) but I only managed to write a few pages before giving up, so progress was minimal.

Sorry! As I said, I should be back in action this week, so I'll work harder and catch up.
