Sunday 3 September 2017

Weekly Update

Phew! Pretty decent week and fairly busy weekend.

I've now got about 7,000 words written on Chapter 15. Notes, outlines, quick-scene drafts and such. Everything's pretty much in place, just a matter of getting it all written and looking good.
I mostly mention this because I thought that might be something interesting to think about, for a chapter that'll likely end up being about 25-30k words, that's almost a quarter as much just on notes and things I need to keep track of as I go through it.

I wonder if perhaps I could wing more of it if I could write a lot faster?

In any case, it looks like we're gonna see some of Morgan, Lucina and obviously Panne. I've got a great scene with Nowi and Tharja I'd love to put in, but so far, it doesn't look like it's gonna fit. I'll keep you posted about that as I get through and get a better idea of how big each individual scene is gonna be.


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