Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Weekly Update

Apologies for the late (and useless) update this week, I meant to do it earlier yesterday or today- just got back from the hospital earlier today and wound up crashing out until just a bit ago afterwards. 
I was just in for a minor surgical procedure, no problems- worst of it was honestly the god-awful drink I had to take for two days leading up to it. It's amazing how bad they can make that shit taste, I thought I had a pretty tough stomach but I still wound up chundering some of it...
Anyhow, I think the sedatives and such seem to have worn off, but I'm not in much of a headspace to do an update and haven't been able to do any writing the last few days. I've got a little bit longer off work so that should hopefully give me time to finish things up this week.
Thanks for your patience, as always,

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