Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Weekly Update: The Quarantine Killed My Progress

Well, not really, I've still made pretty okay progress... under the circumstances.
Given all the talk of people in quarantine being super bored without anything to do, just lazing around eating and playing video games all day, I expected it'd be a time when I'd almost have nothing else to do but write, I was actually somewhat looking forward to it.
So you can imagine my frustration since the lockdown's been in effect where not only am I still working just like before (from home though), but I'm actually working longer hours and more days of the week! Gah! This wasn't the holiday I was promised! I probably can't complain, since at least I am still drawing a salary though.
Even worse, because I'm fairly immunocompromised, I figured it'd be best to get out of the city, so I moved in to stay with my parents for a few weeks... which means that suddenly I'm working with a LOT less privacy than before.
I'm sure you can imagine, it's a little difficult writing porn on on a large-screen monitor when your mother is only a few metres away in the next room and is more than happy to come in and see what you're up to at any given moment... I've moved out for so long I don't have a room of my own anymore, so nowhere I can just seclude myself into.
Long story short: All my progress has been in pen and paper. And while I've done a fair amount, there's still a good amount left, and then I have to transcribe it. 
So it's coming along, but it's coming slower than I'd like. You can blame the coronovirus I suppose.
Anyhow, I imagine most of you guys are in fairly similar situations so you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about. And more importantly, keep yourself safe regardless. 
This thing is pretty damn shitty, but hopefully we can all get through it in a few weeks. And hopefully I'll have an upload of the Say'ri chapter in a few weeks to go with it!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Weekly Update

Probably unsurprisingly, I don't have a super exciting update for you guys this time. I made a reasonable but not amazing level of progress, but I (hopefully understanably) also took a few days as a break after getting the last chapter out.
So things are ticking along, but no big news to reveal just yet. Shouldn't take too long, given as I said, that I'm fairly well through the chapter as it needs to be, but we'll see.
All is well on the Conoravirus front here, it hasn't hit my area yet and both my workplace and my Govt seem to be treating it seriously, I'll be working from home next week which is new and possibly difficult (taking client calls without needing to get dressed is a funny thought though), so we'll see about that. Maybe it'll mean cutting down my commute and more time overall to write, who knows?
I hope you're all keeping safe, keeping hydrated and keeping yourself healthy too. 
Hopefully this'll all be over very soon,

Sunday, 8 March 2020