Tuesday 28 April 2020

Weekly Update

I was working hard all weekend thinking I'd definitely get an upload out to you guys this time, but unfortunately, transcribing always takes longer than it seems like it should, so I'm not quite done. Should be finished transcribing and then a little bit of final touches and will have something uploaded. Hopefully will be fun and worth the wait!
In the meantime though, if any of you know Odoacro from the story Robin's Mansion, he's started running a Fire Emblem Lewd Writers discord channel. I've been hanging out there fairly regularly and it's pretty small but it's been fun so far, drop by if you're interested. 
Either way, hopefully you'll hear from me again soon,

Saturday 4 April 2020

Two New Stories!

A very different update this time! 
I've got two more stories I've just published on my account, but they're both very different from the kind you'd usually expect from me and not actually written by me.
They're both from a friend of mine who doesn't have any of the relevant Ao3 or similar accounts, and wrote them privately for my personal sake. I asked him if I could publish them, if he really wasn't going to, and in the end he let me... So here you go!
As I mentioned, they're a big step from what you'd be used to from me (since I didn't write them), they're F/F with Futa and some strong Mother/Daughter incest (okay, you can expect that from me). So if that's not your jam then sorry, and hopefully you'll have a new chapter of ACoT out soon. But if it is, enjoy:
A Knight For Two (Tharja/Cordelia/???. Futa. Incest)
A New Family Bond (Tharja/Severa and more. Futa. Incest)

Just something to whet your appetite perhaps! Don't expect anything crazy like this in ACoT, but if it's the kind'a thing you like, then great!