Should be able to have an upload this weekend. Not sure how satisfying it'll be, but I'll have something up.
Should be able to have an upload this weekend. Not sure how satisfying it'll be, but I'll have something up.
Since it's a story I built from finishing off another one I started a million years ago, I expected it'd be really quick and simple, something I could hash out in one weekend and just serve as a quick release for you guys without actually really slowing down my main progress very much. But... that didn't happen... so it did wind up distracting from my main work, so I'm sorry about that, but I did throw myself back into BFV this weekend and made some progress with that again, so it's back on track, and I'll hopefully have good news there soon.
After getting horribly distracted by GFL releasing a new event and sinking way too much time over the last week into PL instead of doing the work I was intending to do...
And after re-writing it twice, to re-structure it to flow better and give Chrom a bit more prominence...
I've finally finished the draft/outline for BFV ch6, and can move immediately into writing it. So that'll be the aim for this week. Draft will be up in Google Docs added next for anyone interested in seeing it, commenting, changing or editing it with their own thoughts/feelings.
Thanks again!
I'm a little worried it's gotten a bit too big, it's meant to be fairly simple. But it is a somewhat modular chapter, so I should be able to cut it down if it gets out of hand.
Copies selling out now, get yours quick!
Or just read it online at any of the following:
Just a quick update in case any of you have any big preference about where you read it. Otherwise, phew, what a weight off my shoulders getting that one out, only... er... 4 months late? Well! Anyway, onwards and upwards!
I'll aim to get a draft for Bred for Victory up this weekend. Those chapters are a lot less involved than ACoT ones, so should be faster and smoother, hopefully.
As expected, everything always takes longer than expected. There's really nothing to say except that it's still very nearly done and just needs a few more hours/days.
Upload should be practically imminent. It'll be a big chapter and hopefully a fun enough one to be worth the wait, I really hope so.