Tuesday 11 May 2021

Weekly Update


Starting on the new chapter of Bred for Victory and well, chipping away at it I guess, nothing super fun to report so far. Looking at my records I spent about 2 hours on Monday, an hour on Tuesday, then 4 hours on Saturday. 
 So not a horrible week but not my most productive either. I did sit down through the weekend and manage to work on a little side project that's been bubbling away for a while and publish a small 6k Danmachi story. It's not smut and it's very different from my usual kind'a work, but if you like Danmachi you may find it at least mildly amusing.
Otherwise, it looks like I'll probably be fairly busy this week and this weekend, and possibly visiting family over the weekend too which'll make it more tricky, so I probably won't be able to make astounding progress, but I'll try to fit in what I can, I would like to see this chapter of BfV out sooner rather than later. 
So, I'll see where I end up and I'll keep you updated.

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