Sunday 5 November 2023

A Waning Silence Ch13 (Early Access)


Hooooo, this took sooooo long! 

I really should have cut it off and shipped it much earlier, I'm sorry. As you may have guessed from the delay, it's a huge chapter, yet again. It's 2.5 chapters in one... So I guess, if as thanks for waiting all this while, there's a feast for you! And hopefully an enjoyable one!

Ultimately just a case of not wanting to stop it too early, so I could move the plot along, and then not having a good breakpoint, so I just kept going and kept going, and now it's finally, finally finished.

I think it's good, so hopefully you'll agree.

Once again, I stayed up all night to finish this off, so I'll be absolutely useless for work in a few hours, but more importantly, I haven't proof-read or grammar/spelling edited it yet, so I'm sorry if there's some rough segments. I'll try get that done tonight after work, and after I've had some sleep.

Otherwise, please, enjoy!

Chapter 13 is now out on my Patreon. It'll be posted publicly next week.


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