Sunday, 23 June 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Scarlett+Melisandre) - Public Release


 And here we are, we week later, the public release for Ch2 starring Scarlett and Melisandre.

Hard copies are being shipped out to bookstores near you, but if you'd prefer digital, you can read it here:

Having already made some headway into the next chapter, I was hoping to have that all done and dusted, or at least very close to, by the time I had this ready for public release. The dream of going directly into another upload was a tantalising thing... But unfortunately, I didn't get enough done for that. 

Shouldn't take too much longer, so hopefully the next Early Access upload is soon, but for now that dream remains a challenge to be met.

Enjoy, and thanks again!

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Saturday, 15 June 2024

[UO] The Unicorn Lord And The Maidens (Scarlett + Melisandre) - Early Access


 Phew! This one was a funny one to get out...

I said I wasn't sure I'd continue doing more UO Stuff... Then the reception seemed really positive, especially with the idea of quick and easy fast iterating chapters.

I said if I did, the next chapter would be Virginia... Then I felt like I couldn't jump that far ahead without addressing the ridiculously busty childhood-friend in the room (and the incredibly alluring Swordsmaster too, of course).

I said I would have it out in a week... But then I pivoted away from a Virginia chapter that was about 1/3rds done AND made the Scarlett+Melisandre chapter far more in depth than planned twice as long as Yahna's one.

So, I had the best of intentions, but nothing I said wound up working out, haha. Sorry about that.

I hate when stories take longer than I want to be done, but I do hope you can see the passion and effort that goes into them regardless. My sleep schedule for the last 3 days has been practically nonexistent trying to finish this one off...

Anyway, that's enough from me, please find the Early Access link here.

And, as always, thank you very much for your support. It truly does keep me going with this stuff.
