[Danmachi] A Waning Silence Ch15 - Early Access
When I started this around Christmas, I had two big goals,
1. Don't make it another huge 40k monster chapter.
2. Get it done before the end of Jan
just a hair under 30k words, so I at least managed to keep one of those
goals! Ha... This seriously took a while, but I'm happy with how it's
turned out, I think it's a great chapter.
And, while I'm
disapointed that I wasn't able to keep the timeframe I was intending,
I'm currently experimenting this year with trying to dedicate far more
of my time to writing than I have been before. I've reduced the amount
of hours I'm taking at work for the next few months to do my best to try
get out a whole lot of chapters and content, I want to see if it's
possible to do this SubscribeStar as a main job.
So far, I'm
behind schedule. But, I'll keep going and I'll hopefully have something
else out very soon, I'm trying to make sure I sit down and write for 5+
hours a day on the days that I can...
Anyway, it's been a while since we've had anything Danmachi related, so I hope you enjoy!
Please find the Early Access link here.
Public release will be in a week.