Tuesday 9 January 2024

[FE:A] A Cold Night For Two (Early Access)

And we're back in action after Christmas and the New Years!

I'm glad to say I got a good amount of writing done, although I didn't manage to finish another chapter of A Waning Silence (which got the most votes), I did manage to get this story completed and make a good way through the second part.

This is from the FE Lewd Writer's Discord Collaboration event, to create a short and simple story about "Two Lovers On A Cold Night", of which I ended up going with a nice and simple Robin/Tharja story that's not quite so nice or quite so simple.

Either way, it got bigger and I wound up cutting it in half, so this is the first half and hopefully the second half (about 30% complete) will be done tomorrow or soon after.

Anyway, as you may have noticed, there’s two versions of this, the Naughty and Nice versions. The difference is small but important.

Naughty: Contains a small implication that a married Shepherd may have been unfaithful to her husband.

Nice: Contains nothing so unsavoury.

I'll post this publicly next week, until then you can read it here

Thanks! And since I'm back in action, hopefully we'll see more very soon!

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JLDavenport


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