Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Back In Action


And I'm back home again. Got pretty much nothing done over Christmas, no chance at all to get any writing done, I didn't have a lot of hope but wound up being busier than even I'd expected. 

I did have some "fun" with my family having almost seen some of the notes I brought down too, so that was exciting.

Ohwell, I'm back now here through the New Years so I'll get back into it! 

Hope you all had a great time too, keeping yourselves safe and looking forward to what'll hopefully be a much less messy 2021.


Wednesday, 9 December 2020

A Dance With A Dragon Ch2


And here it, at long last, an upload! Finally finished, the ending to this one took some getting done for sure!
Why this instead of the next chapter of ACoT? 
Firstly because this is a story written as a favour to someone and I've owed it to them for almost the entire year by this point, I've been writing it in the background while working on my other uploads, but had to put it aside to get them done so many times it's just been ridiculous. 
 But moreso, because I was completely stalling with the latest chapter of ACoT and the end is still a long way from sight there. So I thought I'd get something managable done in a short timeframe, both as a palate cleanser and as something I could put out to you guys, so you've at least got something from me! (I understand it's fairly niche taste though)
This hasn't been some huge distraction so there's no need to worry about that. I intended to write it up over just a busy weekend, but ended up taking about two to get it 90% done, then couldn't finish it last week due to the work offsite I mentioned, and now here it is!
Due to everything going on right now, physical copies are being delayed, but you can read it online at
Thanks, as always, for your support and patience with all this, and I hope you enjoy it!
Now that it's done, I'll throw myself back into ACoT, and see if I can't get something out before the end of the year.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Weekly Update


Still just chipping away, getting things written down. It's taking longer than I expected, which is of course, also longer than I wanted by far.
I wrote several thousand words this week, and I was sure I was going to be able to push through and get to where the end was at least in sight, but I underestimated both how long it would take and how big some of the scenes would be. I'll probably end up trimming things down a little, but for now I'm just going through.
If I'm able to keep up this pace, I should have better news soon, hopefully.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Weekly Update


Managed to get a good amount of time dedicated to writing this weekend, so hopefully I'll have something decent to show by the end of this week.


Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Weekly Update


This has got to be the most tricky, or perhaps the most difficult chapter outline I've finished so far. Since I've already got the story planned out and I've got plenty of notes about what's going to happen when, generally a chapter outline is pretty simple, I can bang it out in a few days and then tweak it as I go and as needed.
This one I ended up doing, then undoing, then redoing multiple times trying to hammer it into shape.
The biggest issue is that I've essentially got two chapters here, an A and B side that I want to link together so I want to make sure the timelines are going to match up for this chapter and the one that'll come later.
At first I thought I'd abandon that idea and instead of having a second Say'ri chapter just do one for Kagerou with Say'ri's "development" happening in the background, but then it was simply unwieldy, it was going to become way too massive a chapter if I was going to do any justice to either character. 
So I did wind up going back to a Say'ri chapter with a Kagerou one to follow, but... well, I'm worried it's still going to be too big, you'll see for yourself with the chapter outlines, I'm probably gonna have to cut or trim down some of theses scenes if I want this out before December haha.
I'll aim for before November for now though, but we'll see.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Weekly Update


Ch20 outline not quite finished yet. 
It's always funny jumping back into ACoT chapters after working on something else, like having to kickstart your brain back into action because of how complex everything I've setup has become.
That's a good thing, but it does occasionally get a little hard to keep track of.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Monday, 21 September 2020

Weekly Update

 Just a quick one this time.

Normally I was going to work on another chapter of Bred for Victory next, and I've got it all planned out to be done, however my P4 story wound up taking far longer than expected, so I thought I'd make sure y'all weren't getting ansty for more ACoT first, or perhaps if you were in the mood for something else entirely?
Vote at my Patreon.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Weekly Update


Got a good amount of writing done, just need to finish off and I should have something uploaded later today after work.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

More Covid Craziness


So just a little earlier this week I got the news that my region has had another flare up of Covid cases and we're going back into lockdown/quarantine to try weather the storm once again. 
This time I'll be staying in my usual city, the hope being that we're only like this for a few weeks, but we'll see, everyone's just hoping for the best. I'm fine and all my friends and family are fine, and hopefully this will just be sorted out soon, but it's flipped my life upside down a little once again, so that's about the only thing I've got that's of any value as an update.
At least being inside all day should give me some more time to write, hopefully. We'll see.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Weekly Update

After taking a little bit of time to recover from getting the latest chapter of ACoT, I've been working on the upcoming chapter for BFV. 
I haven't finished the outline just yet, but I should have that wrapped up soon and I'll post it then. Probably unsurprisingly given that it's Chrom's literal sister, the votes have wound up being Robin/Maribelle/Lissa. Well, you guys know I enjoy writing Lissa, so I'm not complaining. 
I may actually work on a much smaller, personal project first though. I've got a long overdue story favour I still owe a friend, I'll keep you guys posted how that goes if it does. Otherwise, stay tuned, for more news soon.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Weekly Update

No big exciting update this week, just plugging away, getting more written, transcribed mostly. The google docs preview is up to date again.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Weekly Update

Pretty simple update this time, a few days recovering from my upload and then diving straight back into ACoT, Say'ri's chapter.
Nothing exciting to post yet, but I should have some more substantial scenes out soon, so I'll update those on the preview file as I finish them and transcribe them.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Weekly Update

I was working hard all weekend thinking I'd definitely get an upload out to you guys this time, but unfortunately, transcribing always takes longer than it seems like it should, so I'm not quite done. Should be finished transcribing and then a little bit of final touches and will have something uploaded. Hopefully will be fun and worth the wait!
In the meantime though, if any of you know Odoacro from the story Robin's Mansion, he's started running a Fire Emblem Lewd Writers discord channel. I've been hanging out there fairly regularly and it's pretty small but it's been fun so far, drop by if you're interested. 
Either way, hopefully you'll hear from me again soon,

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Two New Stories!

A very different update this time! 
I've got two more stories I've just published on my account, but they're both very different from the kind you'd usually expect from me and not actually written by me.
They're both from a friend of mine who doesn't have any of the relevant Ao3 or similar accounts, and wrote them privately for my personal sake. I asked him if I could publish them, if he really wasn't going to, and in the end he let me... So here you go!
As I mentioned, they're a big step from what you'd be used to from me (since I didn't write them), they're F/F with Futa and some strong Mother/Daughter incest (okay, you can expect that from me). So if that's not your jam then sorry, and hopefully you'll have a new chapter of ACoT out soon. But if it is, enjoy:
A Knight For Two (Tharja/Cordelia/???. Futa. Incest)
A New Family Bond (Tharja/Severa and more. Futa. Incest)

Just something to whet your appetite perhaps! Don't expect anything crazy like this in ACoT, but if it's the kind'a thing you like, then great!

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Weekly Update: The Quarantine Killed My Progress

Well, not really, I've still made pretty okay progress... under the circumstances.
Given all the talk of people in quarantine being super bored without anything to do, just lazing around eating and playing video games all day, I expected it'd be a time when I'd almost have nothing else to do but write, I was actually somewhat looking forward to it.
So you can imagine my frustration since the lockdown's been in effect where not only am I still working just like before (from home though), but I'm actually working longer hours and more days of the week! Gah! This wasn't the holiday I was promised! I probably can't complain, since at least I am still drawing a salary though.
Even worse, because I'm fairly immunocompromised, I figured it'd be best to get out of the city, so I moved in to stay with my parents for a few weeks... which means that suddenly I'm working with a LOT less privacy than before.
I'm sure you can imagine, it's a little difficult writing porn on on a large-screen monitor when your mother is only a few metres away in the next room and is more than happy to come in and see what you're up to at any given moment... I've moved out for so long I don't have a room of my own anymore, so nowhere I can just seclude myself into.
Long story short: All my progress has been in pen and paper. And while I've done a fair amount, there's still a good amount left, and then I have to transcribe it. 
So it's coming along, but it's coming slower than I'd like. You can blame the coronovirus I suppose.
Anyhow, I imagine most of you guys are in fairly similar situations so you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about. And more importantly, keep yourself safe regardless. 
This thing is pretty damn shitty, but hopefully we can all get through it in a few weeks. And hopefully I'll have an upload of the Say'ri chapter in a few weeks to go with it!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Weekly Update

Probably unsurprisingly, I don't have a super exciting update for you guys this time. I made a reasonable but not amazing level of progress, but I (hopefully understanably) also took a few days as a break after getting the last chapter out.
So things are ticking along, but no big news to reveal just yet. Shouldn't take too long, given as I said, that I'm fairly well through the chapter as it needs to be, but we'll see.
All is well on the Conoravirus front here, it hasn't hit my area yet and both my workplace and my Govt seem to be treating it seriously, I'll be working from home next week which is new and possibly difficult (taking client calls without needing to get dressed is a funny thought though), so we'll see about that. Maybe it'll mean cutting down my commute and more time overall to write, who knows?
I hope you're all keeping safe, keeping hydrated and keeping yourself healthy too. 
Hopefully this'll all be over very soon,

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Weekly Update

Oookay! And I was hoping to actually have the upload done tonight, but I've got work in a handful of hours, so I think I'm gonna get some sleep instead.
More importantly though, I'm switching the plan up a little.
I always expected this chapter to be pretty massive, but now that I've actually got it written out and I'm looking at where I'm expanding things, and where things are getting much larger than my skeleton accounted for, I've come to the conclusion that it's probably best to split it into two chapters. Since the alternative is gonna be some monstrous 30-40k word beast, that's just gonna be silly.
I've mostly gotten it all written anyway, although not all transcribed, so the second part should come not long after the first (presuming I don't get myself killed in editing/re-writing). Aim was to have an upload up tonight, and then the second part by end of next week at the latest, but tonight went slower than I was hoping for, so we'll see how that holds.
I've updated the Google Docs to reflect this, but the plan right now will be to have the first part end shortly after the meeting in Ylisstol, before they depart (finishing with the Cordelia blowjob that overwhelmingly won the vote!) and then the second part cover the rest. 
So part 1 is setup, part 2 is all Say'ri. Makes sense in a way.
For perspective, what I've got transcribed so far is a little under 20k words, and will probably end up around 25k+ or so by the time I've finished with the meeting, the talk with Olivia and the Cordelia scene. So it'll be a pretty meaty chapter as is.
And yeah, I know, splitting chapters sucks. I agree. It feels lame to do it and it probably feels somewhat unsatisfying to read, but I think it's probably a necessary evil at this point.
Thanks as always

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Weekly Update

Apologies for the late (and useless) update this week, I meant to do it earlier yesterday or today- just got back from the hospital earlier today and wound up crashing out until just a bit ago afterwards. 
I was just in for a minor surgical procedure, no problems- worst of it was honestly the god-awful drink I had to take for two days leading up to it. It's amazing how bad they can make that shit taste, I thought I had a pretty tough stomach but I still wound up chundering some of it...
Anyhow, I think the sedatives and such seem to have worn off, but I'm not in much of a headspace to do an update and haven't been able to do any writing the last few days. I've got a little bit longer off work so that should hopefully give me time to finish things up this week.
Thanks for your patience, as always,

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Weekly Update

Similar (but better) story this week. Work's gone really well on the chapter, but it's not yet complete. It's sitting at a little over 16k words, and for anyone who's followed the outline, I'm through to just before they leave from Ylisstol.
I've added a small sex scene between Robin and Lucina before the meeting.
And as a response to the poll I put out, I'll see about adding a sexual scene between Robin and Cordelia before he leaves. Although, that'll depend on what I can get added and whether or not the scene will work... It's a scene idea I like a lot, but it's definitely amusingly controversial in the comments!
Anyhow, look forward to a more exciting update next time!